Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
You can contact us directly through our contact page which lists all our contact details and we will speak to you about making an appointment.
No you don't. You can see a psychologist privately for as many sessions as you like. As a private client you will pay the full price of the session and not receive a Medicare rebate.
If you would like to get a Medicare rebate, then you will need to make an appointment with your General Practitioner (GP) for a MHTP. Let the medical reception know you want ta MHTP so they can book the right consultation time for you. This gives you 10 sessions per calendar year (6 sessions then 4 sessions) where you will receive an rebate for each session.
You can also access psychology sessions under some private insurance packages. You will need to check what you are covered for.
Our psychologists have completed extensive training at university and many hold a Masters Degree in Psychology. All are members of the Australian Psychological Society - the peak body representing quality and standards for psychological practice. Additionally, they must undertake mandatory hours of professional development, training and peer supervision annually.
A: Ariston House - 245 Pakington street Newtown, 3220
P: 0436 527 840
F: 03 9959 8326
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